Thursday, November 16, 2006

Autumn Has Come To The Deep South!

Autumn is my absolute favorite time of year. I guess part of it comes from living in the Deep South all of my life. Up north, spring is greatly anticipated as a relief from the long hard winter. Down in the South we look forward to autumn to bring us relief from the harsh, hot days. When these first cool snaps come through it makes me downright giddy! Yesterday the wind was blowing something fierce! It sounded as if it would just roll the sides of my house away as if opening a sardine can. The wind brought a cool front and it has been wonderfully pleasant today. I think the high is about 60, which feels great.

The girls and I went on a walk today, walking about a mile and a half taking the above pictures while we were out. While on our walk, the girls collected acorns, some Wandering Jew from an empty lot, and many pinecones. The pinecones are from different types of pine trees, and we are going to attempt to identify them. Then we will use them for decorations for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

I hope you are enjoying a brisk fall day, wherever you may be!


Tammy said...

Glad you're enjoying your fall! =) We raked up all our leaves last Saturday. Most of the leaves are long off the trees around here!

lora k said...

I actually had to search to find the fall colored leaves. Down here they are hiding in a sea of green.