Thursday, April 12, 2007

Girls And Cooking

Yesterday I was talking to a friend about Hannah cooking dinner and she commented on how she was surprised at how much my 11- 14 year old girls can cook. That conversation made me start thinking about what I do with the girls and how they have learned to cook. Honestly, I haven't done anything special, at least it doesn't seem that way to me. When Hannah and I were talking about it last night she said, "Well, haven't we been cooking since we could hold a spoon?" I guess they have to one degree or another. Cooking, like most things in our home, has been taught in a more natural way. Many times if I'm tied up, I will let the girls fix their own lunch. At times this has made me feel like a failure for not being June Cleaver and making all three of their meals, every day. Though, after thinking about it, I think I'm glad I've done it that way because it has not only made them more self-reliant; it has also given them a chance to be creative.

I allow the girls a great deal of latitude when cooking for themselves. Food Network is a staple in our t.v. diet and they have taken many ideas from things they have watched. We've never done a lot of "kid" cooking, most of what the girls have cooked has just been regular food. They will often take a recipe and adapt it and make it their own. We've had some flops, but usually things turn out O.K.

My advice to anyone wanting to develop in their children a love for cooking would be to make things fun, don't feel like you have to stick to recipes, and be willing to go with your children's ideas. I think that once your child is able to handle the cooking tools, it is a great encouragement for them to be entrusted with the kitchen. When you feel confident to step out and let them do it on their own, I encourage you to do so. My girls are very confident in the kitchen, and I think it's because they know that I trust them and am willing to let them be in control at times. I hope that you will spend some time encouraging your kids to start cooking, and I'd love to hear about your experiences.

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