Friday, September 29, 2006

Changes Are A Comin'

This week has absolutely flown by. Saturday night, we had a storm come through which fried the sim card in my cell phone. I went to one Cingular store on Sunday to try to get it fixed, but it didn't have what I needed. Monday I went to a different store, and they were able to switch my card around. The blessing in all of this was that I didn't lose my phone numbers.

We published the newsletter Sunday evening and e-mailed it out. What a big relief! This was the first time we did the newsletter using this format, and there were a lot of bugs to work out. If you didn't get it, and would like to, let me know. We have decided to make some changes though; we are only going to send out our newsletter on a monthly basis. We will send weekly updates to those on our evangelism team and those in the Houston area who could possibly participate in our activities.

We have been battling "devil weed", aka ragweed, here. Our allergies have been playing havoc with Lindsay, Hannah, and me all week. In an effort to see if we have some food allergies, the three of us are eliminating wheat and milk products. I have found that the milk is much easier than the wheat! Do you know when you can't eat wheat, you notice that it's in everything. Food is not something that I usually battle with. I really don't care about it a lot, but these last 24hrs of the food elimination have really made my food awareness go up.

Yesterday I found out that you can make gumbo using spelt flour and it works relatively the same as wheat flour. Tonight I am going to make some rice crispy treats because the three of us are hankerin' for a little something sweet. BTW, don't watch Paula Deen if you are on any food restrictions. That was a big mistake!! She made this wonderful white chocolate macadamia pie...I'm getting hungry just thinking about it! Hannah did suggest eating the filling out of a pie and leaving the crust...sounds like a plan to me!

I have been and will continue to be quite busy working as Gene's administrative assistant for the ministry. I'm learning a great deal, but still have a long way to go. His first training seminar is scheduled for the 28th of October, so there is a lot of prep work to do for that. I'm learning to juggle all of my responsibilities and trying to set myself up with certain times to work on specific tasks. It's causing me to have to discipline myself much more. I typically have an open door policy in which the girls are free to come to me anytime. I'm finding I will have to change that somewhat if I'm going to accomplish what I need to do. This is a thing we are all going to have to learn to balance.

The change that is a comin' has to do with this blog. Since we recently got a new domain name for our evangelism website, we will eventually drop the Masterskey domain. That being the case, we will be switching our personal blogs and e-mail to a new domain. When all of that is set up, I wil let you know. Hopefully that will be in the next week or so.***

***Editor's note: Things have now been changed over on my blogs. I will be switching e-mails in the next week or so.***


lindafay said...

Hi Lora,

We had to go off flour for awhile to see if my husband's stomach troubles would clear up. There is no spelt over here so it was really difficult. In the end, this wasn't the problem and I was so thankful.

have a great day,

lora k said...

Did you find out what it is or was? Thanks for stopping by!
