Monday, September 25, 2006

Sticky Situation

I know that I live a sheltered life, but quite honestly, I didn't think I could be surprised by much. But, I was wrong. Tonight I ran into Wal-Mart for a couple of items. I was walking down the aisle where the baking products are when I was quite surprised by what I saw. There was a little girl of about 10 standing near the colored icing opening a tube of it, squeezing the icing out and licking it off of the top. I looked around and saw no one that could be her parents, and I wasn't quite sure what to do. As I walked down the aisle, I was in such a state of shock that I forgot to get my baking powder. I went to the next aisle and got my cereal then came back for the baking powder. There was this little girl with a 15 year old boy and a woman. With much fear and trepidation, I asked the woman if this was her daughter. I then told her what had transpired. I was very uncertain how she would respond to me, but she was very appreciative and thanked me repeatedly. I was so thankful that she received it well, and that she didn't yell at me, right in the middle of Wal-mart. She also made no excuses for her daughter, promptly correcting her. I can assure you I will be checking the tamper proof lids on all of my foods. ;-)

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